The Government has decided to publish the Report of the Inquiry which, by agreement with the Chairman, is also viewable on this website. The Report consists of four volumes.
Volume 1: contains an introductory chapter which reviews the scope of the Inquiry and provides a procedural overview of the process followed. Chapter 1 (in Volume 1) provides a factual and historical introduction to the Dr Giraldi Home. Chapters 2-15 of the Report span Volumes 1-3. They adopt a broadly chronological approach. The period 2000-2004 is reviewed in Chapters 2-7 (Volume 1).
Volume 2: The period during which Joanna Hernandez was Manager of the Home is reviewed in Chapters 8-10 with the specific allegation as to the existence of a punishment room being addressed in Chapter 9. Chapter 11 considers staffing issues and Chapter 12 considers the responses and the conduct of the relevant authorities and agencies in relation to allegations made in the Industrial Tribunal proceedings brought by Joanna Hernandez against the Social Services Agency.
Volume 3: Chapters 13 and 14 address specific allegations made in relation to the care provided to certain residents. Chapter 15 reviews the care provided in the Home from 2006 to date. Chapter 16 (sets out the Chairman’s conclusions and summarises his findings on the 22 specific issues considered by the Inquiry, as set out in the List of Issues annexed to the Report. The List of Issues was adopted, following public consultation, at preliminary hearings of the Inquiry at which represented parties and members of the public attending the hearings were afforded an opportunity to make representations.
Volume 4: contains an Executive Summary.
To view Volume 1 click here
To view Volume 2 click here
To view Volume 3 click here
To view Volume 4 click here